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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Becoming Mommy & Daddy

We spent the last nine months or so preparing for this moment. Jason and I knew this day was coming, and it seemed to take so long - and now it's arrived in the blink of an eye. Today we woke up husband and wife - tomorrow or the next day we will probably go to sleep as Mommy and Daddy. What a difference a year makes!

The growth our relationship has experienced over this time has been immeasurable. We experienced many hardships getting to the point where we could finally become parents and it took longer than we had originally hoped. But, God is pretty amazing. Well - HE IS amazing. He knew just how long He needed to mold us into the parents we want and He wants us to be. He knew there was work left to do in our relationship to make us the best Mom & Dad we can be, and He made sure to take the necessary time to make that happen. Our marriage is firmly planted and we are more ready and committed as a couple to take on this new journey in our lives than we thought we ever could be.

It's so hard to believe that today is the last day this house will be so quiet for many many years. The next time we walk back through our door we will walk through it as a family of three, probably very weary and unsure of how we will ever figure out how to be parents! But, we'll walk with faith - and like with everything else we've faced before we will learn our way through.

22 years ago this month, I was able to witness my oldest niece be welcomed into this world. Since then I've had 4 more nieces and nephews follow. As I've watched them grow into young adults, I am thankful for the wisdom now to know that time will go too fast, and that this little baby will be grown far too soon.

So - here is to learning as we go, living in the moment, appreciating every step of the way, and loving each other through it!

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